13 一些数字(6)

Fair enough, captain, but if we're going to see, we need light to drive away the dark, and in the midst of the murky waters, I wonder how your helmsman can.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Set astern of the pilothouse is a powerful electric reflector whose rays light up the sea for a distance of half a mile.


Oh, bravo! Bra上海龙凤shlf最新地址vo three times over, captain! That explains the phosphorescent glow from this so-called narwhale that so puzzled us scientists!


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Pertinent to this, I'll ask you if the Nautilus's running afoul of the Scotia, which caused such a great uproar, was the result of an accidental encounter?


Entirely accidental, sir. I was na上海龙凤shlf最新地址vigating two meters beneath the surface of the water when the collision occurred. However, I could see that it had no dire consequences.

先生,那完全是出乎意外. 我那时正在水面下二米航行,所以发生了冲撞。可是我也看到斯各脱亚号并没有受到很大的损失。

None, sir. But as for your encounter with the Abraham Lincoln.


Professor, that troubled me, because it's one of the best ships in the gallant American na上海龙凤shlf最新地址vy, but they attacked me and I had to defend myself!


All the same, I was content simply to put the frigate in a condition where it could do me no harm; it won't ha上海龙凤shlf最新地址ve any difficulty getting repairs at the nearest port.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Ah, commander, I exclaimed with conviction, your Nautilus is truly a marvelous boat!


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Yes, professor, Captain Nemo replied with genuine excitement, and I love it as if it were my own flesh and blood!


Aboard a conventional ship, facing the ocean's perils, danger lurks everywhere; on the surface of the sea, your chief sensation is the constant feeling of an underlyingchasm, as the Dutchman Jansen so aptly put it; but below the waves aboard the Nautilus, your heart never fails you!

虽然你们的船常受海洋的意外袭击.海上一切都是危险的,荷兰人杨生说的很好他说人们在海上的第一个印象就是怕人的无底深渊的感觉但是在诺底留斯号船上, 人们心中就一点没有什么害怕。